Mobile Marketing: Relevance Raises Response

Mobile Marketing Success stories Bob Bentz, president of mobile-first digital agency PURPLEGATOR, and author of RELEVANCE RAISES RESPONSE: HOW TO ENGAGE AND ACQUIRE WITH MOBILE MARKETING, gives a 55 minute webinar presentation about mobile marketing success stories. The presentation was sponsored by Convirza. Bentz takes you through his book which is used as a textbook […]

Mobile Advertising and its Uncanny Ability to Target Your Best Prospects

AN INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE ADVERTISING TARGETING When it comes to effective targeting, programmatic mobile advertising enjoys the superpower of context. Mobile’s uncanny ability to send the best message to the right person in the optimal location at the time when that person is most likely to buy is unsurpassed. Mobile advertising via apps and mobile websites allows for precision […]

Mobile Video Advertising: Making Your Content Unskippable

Mobile Video: The Best Way to Gain Attention Online Today, more than ever, people demand immediate information and want to be entertained at the same time.  So what better medium is there than mobile video advertising for marketers to resonate with their audience?  With the advent of large data packages and prolific Wi-Fi, consumers are watching video […]

What Data Does Facebook Have on You?

And What You Should Do About It I’m not normal. For years, people have been telling me this. But, when it comes to data that businesses have on me, I figure the more the merrier.  Take Facebook for example; the more Facebook knows about me, the more relevant the ads are going to be that […]

How to Get Started with Mobile Marketing

Purplegator’s Bob Bentz was a recent guest talking mobile marketing on the Marketing Communications Today podcast from the Integrated Marketing Communications program at West Virginia University. Where Should a Business Owner Start with MOBILE Marketing? Sometimes you fall into good things more by luck than by skill.  Such was the case with my own experience with mobile […]

Text Message Sweepstakes Drive Engagement

Text Message Sweepstakes The Best Way to Build a Large Database When it comes to mobile marketing, there’s no better way to promote your business than with SMS text message marketing.  Text message marketing is the oldest part of mobile marketing.  In fact, at one time, text message marketing WAS mobile marketing.  There was nothing else. Text […]

Mobile Marketing 2018

A Video Presentation of mobile marketing 2018 Bob Bentz, president of Purplegator and author of Relevance Raises Response: How to Engage and Acquire with Mobile Marketing, gives an overview of mobile marketing 2018 in this video presentation. Bentz takes some of the best mobile marketing programs of the past five years and combines them with updated […]

There Is No Prime Time Anymore

In the 1980s, television advertising was a juggernaut. There were only three major networks, a handful of independents that didn’t have many viewers, some cable networks like MTV that took ads from taxidermists, and then there was this start-up called Fox that had the absolute worst programming you could ever imagine. But, even if you […]

What is Mobile Marketing or is it Just Marketing?

what is mobile marketing

First there was television and then the desktop computer. Today, cunning marketers are embracing the “third screen” of mobile and turning it into a marketing juggernaut, to the point where it will soon become the “first screen.” Along with the increased performance with the enhanced devices and connections comes an opportunity for businesses to engage […]


Savvy trade show exhibitors know that it’s not up to the show producers to do all their promoting for them. Well planned and executed pre-show and onsite mobile marketing along with geo targeted ads can have a huge impact in driving qualified attendees to a booth. MOBILE ADS FOR PRE-SHOW MARKETING. Before the show, event […]