
The gators aren’t afraid to go after the competition. We target users who have visited your competitors’ locations and turn them into new customers.

This is how we design ads for geo-conquesting campaigns:

  • Competition Research: Our geo-conquesting marketing experts will do in-depth research on your competitors. We will learn their marketing strategies and tools, and identify their weaknesses with an aim to create a campaign that stands out. 
  • Audience Targeting: Generic messages do not work. Gators will identify the audience who is most likely to be receptive to your brand. 
  • Mobile Design: Finally, our team of geo-conquesting marketing experts will create clear and concise mobile-friendly ads that will drive conversions. 

Once the ad designs are ready, gators will plan geo-conquesting marketing campaigns for you. This is how we do it: 

  • Location-specific Ad Delivery: Gators will pinpoint your competitor’s locations and target mobile devices that are active at those spots. 
  • A/B Analysis: In order to continuously optimize geo-conquesting campaigns, we do A/B testing to compare the performance of different ads. 
  • Lead Generation Reporting: Gators share comprehensive reports about the geo-conquesting marketing campaign’s performance, that includes all the necessary metrics such as clicks, conversions, impressions and lead generations.

For the best geo-conquesting marketing the key technology is geo-fencing. The concept is very easy to understand, it works like a digital fence around a specific location and helps you identify all the mobile devices that enter or exit that location. 

Let’s dive into more details. As soon as a potential customer enters the geofence with their mobile device, our advanced technology starts action. We trigger ads on their devices with your brand’s messages. Using geo-fencing tools you can influence the decision-making process of the potential customers during the most critical moment of their customer journey. 

Obviously, individuals who will receive your offerings are highly relevant individuals, because otherwise why would they consider your competitor’s products or services? 

With geo-conquesting marketing services at Purplegator, we use our extensive experience and the latest technologies, so you can capitalize on a unique opportunity and influence potential clients when they are most receptive.

Gators can leverage the best geo conquesting marketing strategy and help you put your brand message directly in front of the audience who may be visiting your competitor’s location or browsing their apps.


FAQs on Geo Conquesting
Marketing Services​

Proximity based marketing is a strategy that lets marketers target potential customers based on their locations. An example of proximity based marketing would be when a person enters a coffee shop and receives a notification for a special discount on a cappuccino. It uses location technology and sends tailored messages to mobile users at a specific place. Our expert marketers at Purplegator design strategic proximity-based marketing campaigns and make sure your messages reach high-value customers at the right place and at the right time. 

Geo-conquesting marketing is a more advanced strategy compared to proximity marketing. It also uses location technology and targets mobile device users who are physically present at a particular location, mostly at the competitor’s location. Geo-conquesting marketing examples would be when one pizzeria is competing with another pizzeria down the street, if the first one uses geo-conquesting service then they will create a so-called digital fence around the competitor’s location. Whenever potential customers enter this digital fence with their active smartphones, targeted ads of another pizzeria can appear on their screens. This way, geo-conquesting marketing captures the attention of potential customers right at the moment when they are considering a competitor and eventually, attempting to influence their decision.

Geotargeting marketing is a broader umbrella term that geo-conquesting marketing falls under. Geotargeting is delivering marketing messages to a particular audience at a particular geographic location. It can be a city, a zip code, or a radius around a specific point of interest. A more customized or more specific version of it is geo-conquesting marketing, which lets you target those who are already considering purchasing products or services of your competitor. If you want to influence the decision-making process of your competitor’s clients, we at Purplegator digital marketing agency in Philadelphia offer geo-conquesting marketing services. 

Geotargeted marketing that uses your competitor’s location to target their potential clients and influence their customer journey is geo-conquesting marketing. Geo-conquesting examples are creating a geofence around your competitor’s service or product, let’s say a gym and when a potential customer enters this geofence with their smartphones, they will be able to see an ad for your gym, where you will highlight maybe a trial offer or a discounted class schedule. With Purplegator’s geo-conquesting service, you can capture the attention of a highly receptive customer and influence them to choose your gym over your competitor.

Geo-conquesting marketing services at Purplegator offer various benefits: 

  • You can target high-value customers, that are most likely to convert because they are already showing curiosity towards a product or service similar to yours. 
  • Geo-conquesting strategy lets you raise your brand awareness (and improve branding), by showing your brand to a new audience who might not have heard about you before. 
  • Through geo-conquesting and geofencing you can entice potential customers with customized promotions, which of course increases the chances they visit your business.
  • At Purplegator, we share the reports about the geo-conquesting campaigns and you can measure the ROI of it easily.

Geofence is a virtual boundary around a preferred location, using GPS, WiFi or cellular data. Purplegator uses geofences in geo-conquesting marketing strategies. This way, gators detect mobile devices that enter the geofence around our client’s competitor’s businesses and then we send targeted ads to the potential customers. We give our clients an opportunity to influence the customer behavior of their competitor’s clients and drive them towards their own brand. If you want to learn more about geo-conquesting marketing, contact Purplegator, we are happy to help you.

If you are a business that operates in a highly competitive market, geofencing marketing can be a great tool to stand out from competitors. It is like having your best salesperson waiting outside your competitor’s door and promoting your company to already interested customers. Geofencing helps you show your value proposition to high-value customers. You can discuss your marketing goals with Purplegator and our team of expert marketers will help you determine if geo-conquesting is right for you.

In order to set up geofencing marketing, you will need expertise in geofencing technology itself, together with audience targeting and ad creative. You can also delegate that to Purplegator’s team of marketing specialists and they will handle the whole geo-conquesting marketing for you. We will do everything from competitor research, designing ads, and placing geofence, to tracking campaign performance. With Purplegator’s geo-conquesting services, you can be sure that your business will be shown to the right people at the right moment.


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