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2022 Marketing Trends and Predictions from Business Experts: Part Two I BisVue – Videos for Business

2022 Marketing Trends and Predictions from Business Experts: Part Two I BisVue – Videos for Business

marketing trends

President of Purplegator, Bob was chosen by BisVue – Videos for Business, and gave insight into what marketing trends and predictions he had for 2022. In 2022 Marketing Trends and Predictions from Business Experts: Part Two, Bob discusses the impact of digital marketing and building a Google Business Profile.  

“If there is one thing that the pandemic has taught us is that digital marketing is the now and the future. One relatively easy thing that you can do online for 2022 is to optimize your Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business). Especially for B-to-B businesses, there’s no better social media platform to put your effort into than Google Business Profile. Optimize it with your best images of your team and the work you’ve done for clients. Regular updates on Google Business Profile will pay off almost immediately and we’ve seen significant increases in your search engine rankings by optimizing it. Spend time on it in 2022. You’ll get both click throughs and calls.”

– Bob Bentz, President, Advanced Telecom Services & Purplegator  

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