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Introducing Personalized Direct to Voicemail with AI

At Purplegator, we’ve been thinking for a while now as to how we can use artificial intelligence to improve our products. We’re excited to announce our first venture into using AI to improve our direct to voicemail automated telemarketing product. This groundbreaking new AI enhancement, developed by the labs at our sister company Advanced Telecom Services, will enable our customers to deliver personalized voicemail messages to your opt-in audience.
What’s New?
Traditionally, our direct-to-voicemail service has allowed businesses to send pre-recorded voice messages directly to the voicemail of their recipients. This has been a game-changer for businesses, enabling them to reach their customers quickly, efficiently and effectively without the disruption of a direct phone call. But now, we’re taking it a step further.
With our latest upgrade, you can now customize your voicemail messages to include the recipient’s name, making each message feel personal and genuine. Using advanced AI technology, the recorded message is tailored for each recipient so that the caller’s voice greets the customer or prospect in the same voice style as the rest of the recorded message.
How It Works
Here’s how this new feature works:
- Provide Your Database: Include the name and phone number of the recipients in Excel or .csv format.
- Record Your Message: Start by recording your standard voicemail message as you normally would.
- AI Personalization: Our AI technology then takes your recorded message and dynamically inserts the recipient’s name at the appropriate points. This ensures that each message feels unique and customized to the individual.
- Direct-to-Voicemail Delivery: The personalized messages are sent directly to the recipients’ voicemails, ensuring they receive your message in a non-intrusive way.
Why Personalization Matters
Personalization has become a key factor in successful marketing and customer engagement strategies. Studies show that personalized messages are more likely to be listened to and acted upon. By addressing your recipients by name, you create a connection that feels more authentic and considerate, enhancing the likelihood of a positive response.
A Salesperson’s Best Friend
For sales professionals, this new feature is a game-changer. Imagine being able to leave a voicemail for each prospect or customer that sounds like you took the time to personally call all of them. This can significantly improve your outreach efficiency while maintaining a personal touch. It’s like having a virtual assistant that helps you make each interaction count. While your competitors are calling one by one, you can leave voicemail messages to many recipients…all at once.
Opt-In Assurance
At Purplegator, we value consumer privacy and consent. Our direct-to-voicemail product utilizes your opt-in list of consumers, ensuring that your messages are sent to individuals who have expressed interest in receiving communications from your business. This not only helps maintain trust and compliance but also enhances the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.
Get Started Today
We’re thrilled to bring this innovative feature to our customers and can’t wait to see how it transforms your marketing and sales efforts. If you’re already a Purplegator user, this feature is available now as part of your direct to voicemail service. If you’re new to Purplegator, there’s never been a better time to join and take advantage of our cutting-edge communication tools.
Bob Bentz is president of marketing agency Purplegator and also automated telephony company Advanced Telecom Services. The unique combination of telemarketing and marketing prowess makes our enhanced direct to voicemail product a game changer for anybody who needs to reach a large audience in an efficient manner.