
Empowering Ocean County in the Fight Against Opioid Addiction



The Challenge

Ocean County Health Department wanted to provide their residents with the education on substance abuse, create enhanced awareness of dangerous trends in high risk areas, and alert the public to overdose spikes,

The Approach

Purplegator conducted focus group sessions before beginning our campaign to optimize our messaging. We conducted sessions with four demographic groups in Ocean County:

Our research team first developed discussion guides, which we sent out to potential focus group participants via email. From there, we created, moderated, and monitored online focus group sessions. Our first session dealt with opioid awareness in Ocean County. With these results, we compiled the data and created messaging for potential advertising campaigns. After receiving approval from Ocean County, the images and messaging were shown to focus group participants in session 2. Based on the participants’ feedback, we adjusted the images and copy of the advertising to achieve maximum results.

ocean county

The Outcome

After comprehensive focus group sessions were complete, Purplegator took those pieces of feedback and wrote detailed strategic recommendations on how to proceed with an effective integrated marketing campaign across several mediums.

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