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Marketing Metrics For the Savvy Marketing Expert

Marketing Metrics For the Savvy Marketing Expert


Marketing Metrics for the New Year

First, from the Purplegator family to yours, Happy New Year! As we all prepare to tackle the coming needs of the business that 2025 will bring, it’s high time to finalize your marketing plan for the year if you haven’t already. As you know, mobile digital marketing is now a sizable chunk of your budget and your time, and it continues to grow in importance with each passing year. Now that you’re ready to take a bite out of the competition with your mobile marketing plan, here are some marketing metrics insights that will keep you on track throughout the year, or as we like to call them, KPIs (key performance indicators).

Social Media

You’ve got a Facebook page. You’re posting on Twitter.  In fact, you even created an Instagram account and you made Snapchat geofilter for an event in the fall. Furthermore, you have a team member dedicated to posting blogs every week. How can you tell if any of that is working?

It’s easy to get caught up in the volume of likes and followers – we’ve all been there, truthfully – but those are not truly good indicators of whether your investment is working. Delve deeper into the marketing metrics that Facebook and Twitter both provide and focus on the engagement factors.

Are your followers clicking through to your website? Are your followers sharing your updates? Are they commenting on them, or perhaps just reacting to them with an emoji? And are they retweeting your tweets?

Consider what the above two metrics really mean: your followers are staking their online reputation by sharing your content. The connection that they feel with your message and the fact that they are willing to share it with their friends, family and followers: that level of engagement is word-of-mouth marketing at its finest.

It’s also one of the best metrics you have that your efforts are paying off.

Email Marketing

Content marketing is all the rage these days. The buzz around marketing for 2017 is storytelling. Don’t talk about what you do; rather, talk about who you are. From blogs to eNewsletters, your content should tell your story without being a hard sell. It’s a branding method that can deliver a great ROI.

Your weekly eNewsletter offers you great insight into what your current and ideal customers want from your company. Maybe the number of subscribers is not growing as quickly as you would like it to, but again, let’s talk about engagement marketing metrics.

Are the open rates consistent? If the newsletter is a snippet of your blog, are your subscribers consistently clicking through to access the full content? Once on your website, are the subscribers accessing additional content as well? Are your subscribers signing up friends for the newsletter? Incorporate interactive bits as often as you can to take the pulse on whether the content is on-point. Do your subscribers answer the questions you pose? Do they take your quizzes?

If they are doing some combination of the above actions, they’re building a relationship with your brand, with your story, and when the time comes that they are ready to buy, they’ll remember your name. Additionally, when someone in their lives is looking for your product or service, they’ll recommend you. Why? Because they know who you are and what you stand for.

Mobile Advertising

You’ve run banner ads in the past and maybe you even tried PPC. You really aren’t sure if there’s been much – if any – ROI on those ad dollars. The thing is, your competition is spending money on mobile (who isn’t?) and you aren’t sure you can give it up and still continue to attract those ideal customers. It’s time you talked to someone who can target your ideal customer with a message they can’t refuse.

At Purplegator, we deliver your irresistible message to your target customer when they’re ready to buy. We look at it as a combination of right person, right time, right place, right device. What results is the Bermuda Triangle of engagement.

Since mobile device users have intimate relationships with said devices, they share all kinds of information: their job title, their home and work addresses, their likes and dislikes, their favorite foods, their pastimes, their pet names and the ages of their children. What all of that information adds up to is as precise a demographic as exists.

You’re looking to rent apartments at your complex to young, single nurses who own dogs? We can find them for you. What’s more, we can create the right message to catch their attention when they’re scrolling Facebook catching up on what their friends are doing. An engaging video showcasing your property and its features, expertly crafted by the Purplegator team, is just the answer.

Not only will that ideal tenant engage with your ad by asking for more information if they’re in the market to move, they will also share it with their friends who are likely pretty similar in age, likes and occupation. The engagement with your mobile video ad tells the story: mobile advertising creates results.

Engagement for the Win

In short, we recommend that you ignore the volume of your audience and whether it is sizable or not, especially if you are just starting out. In fact, its fluctuations from month to month should not be of concern to you either unless the numbers are drastic. Instead, look at what your audience is doing and how they are doing it. Engagement is the KPI that drives business, for good and bad.

Use these marketing metrics to gauge your effectiveness. And in conclusion, if you need some help, get in touch with Purplegator today. We know marketing metrics. Our campaigns deliver results. Let us jumpstart your 2017 revenue.

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