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WordPress Tips and Tricks

WordPress is arguably the best website builder the internet has to offer. Statistically speaking, WordPress now powers 39.5% of all websites in the United States in 2021, up from 35% in 2020, making it the top content management system (CMS) in the United States. There are a variety of reasons why WordPress should be your go-to choice for creating websites, but below are eight crucial reasons:
Over one-third of websites across the world use WordPress.

Easy to Use
You do not need to know html, be a programmer, or even a professional to use WordPress. Website is very easy to navigate and should become fluent to the learner in a matter of a few hours.

There are so many great plugins available on WordPress. They do the whole search engine optimization process exceptionally well. The Yoast SEO feature allows for easy input of title tags and meta tags to enhance your search engine results and drive traffic to your site.

Image optimization
WordPress makes it easy to restructure picture sizes and post bright and powerful images without unnecessarily weighing down the website.

Fast Load Times
WordPress is known to load quickly as long as you do things correctly. One amazing plugin we love for site speed optimization is WPOptimize. It caches the site, clears the database and compresses images for faster loading.

Responsive Design
Modern WordPress templates use responsive design and it will address any issues with the site loading properly on mobile, tablet, desktop and even watches! As a result, all WordPress sites are mobile friendly.

Social Media Enhancements
A social media campaign will indirectly have a positive impact on your website. The campaign will drive traffic to your site and improve SEO based on increased site engagement. It’s easy to add custom social media buttons to your site or blog on WordPress, which makes it even easier for readers to share your content.

One major criticism WordPress faces is that all of the sites look the same. That is true, but only if you don’t add your own personal touch. Think of a WordPress template as the building block that you will use to begin the process of customizing your own website. Make your website’s appearance unique to you, and only you.

Most simply put: WordPress is king in the world of website building. Easy to use, enjoyable to create and a powerful force to be reckoned with in the world of digital marketing.