Connecting Youth and Young Adults with Job Training Opportunities

The Challenge
Purplegator helped Niagara County Workforce Development become the first WDB in the state of New York to utilize social media and mobile ad platforms to deploy the WIOA grant.
Purplegator was chosen from 13 applicants and was awarded the government marketing contract with Niagara County Workforce Development Board in Niagara County, New York. The purpose of the program was to implement the provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant for outreach and education.
The primary Key Performance Indicator (KPI) was to reach a targeted audience of youth and young adults, ages 16-24, in Niagara County who were not working and not in school. The goal was to get them to sign up for Vocational Counseling, Job Search Assistance, Classroom Training, Skills Assessments, and more offered by two partner educational institutions: Niagara County Employment & Training Department and Niagara County Community College (Sanborn, NY).
The Approach
Purplegator provided a multi-platform advertising solution for the Niagara County Workforce Development Board with display ads and video ads running on Facebook and Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, on the mobile web and in apps. Not only did we target the youth, we also targeted the parents of these youth as they are often a strong referral source. Over four months, each of ten unique campaigns had a specific theme such as vocational exploration, career counseling, paid work experience, and more.
The Challenge
Purplegator helped Niagara County Workforce Development become the first WDB in the state of New York to utilize social media and mobile ad platforms to deploy the WIOA grant.
Purplegator was chosen from 13 applicants and was awarded the government marketing contract with Niagara County Workforce Development in Niagara County, New York. The purpose of the program was to implement the provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant for outreach and education.
The primary Key Performance Indicator (KPI) was to reach a targeted audience of youth and young adults, ages 16-24, in Niagara County who were not working and not in school. The goal was to get them to sign up for Vocational Counseling, Job Search Assistance, Classroom Training, Skills Assessments, and more offered by two partner educational institutions: Niagara County Employment & Training Department and Niagara County Community College (Sanborn, NY).
The approach
Purplegator provided a multi-platform advertising solution for the Niagara County Workforce Development Board with display ads and video ads running on Facebook and Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, on the mobile web and in apps. Not only did we target the youth, we also targeted the parents of these youth as they are often a strong referral source. Over four months, each of ten unique campaigns had a specific theme such as vocational exploration, career counseling, paid work experience, and more.

The Outcome
Purplegator delivered 7.8 million impressions on 6 different platforms. Google Analytics showed Niagara County WDB web traffic increased from 304 visits in March, 2020 to 6,054 in June, 2020.
“We are so happy with you & your team! The ads have been terrific, and we can’t wait to see what you do next!” – Bonnie Rice, Executive Director