Results / Niagara County Workforce Development 2021
Boosting Workforce Training: Niagara County’s Successful Youth Outreach Campaign

The Challenge
2021 was the second year that Purplegator won the request for proposal for Niagara County (NY) Workforce Development with the goal of deploying its WIOA grant. This $150,000 awareness campaign focused on youth and young adults ages 16-24 who were not in school and not working (and their parents as the referral market) and educating them about resources available to them for Workforce Education Training in upstate New York.
The Approach
Purplegator designed the creative, wrote all ad copy, edited videos and wrote and produced radio advertisements for 21 unique campaigns. We also went on-site with a video team for a day of filming testimonials to be used on multiple platforms for advertising – including commercials on streaming TV.
The Challenge
2021 was the second year that Purplegator won the request for proposal for Niagara County (NY) Workforce Development with the goal of deploying its WIOA grant. This $150,000 awareness campaign focused on youth and young adults ages 16-24 who were not in school and not working (and their parents as the referral market) and educating them about resources available to them for Workforce Education Training in upstate New York.
The Approach
Purplegator designed the creative, wrote all ad copy, edited videos and wrote and produced radio advertisements for 21 unique campaigns. We also went on-site with a video team for a day of filming testimonials to be used on multiple platforms for advertising – including commercials on streaming TV.

The Outcome
According to Google Analytics, we increased the average monthly web visits from 418 per month to 4,981 per month (1,092% increase) with over 90% of the traffic attributed to our ad campaigns on Snapchat, gaming platforms, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and mobile banner ads.
In addition, nearly all of the new traffic came from those in Niagara County, New York. Over 36% of those who visited the website were young adults (18-34 years old) and over 51% were those aged 35-64 which represented parents or guardians of young adults which was also an important targeted audience.
The programs were a huge success with over 11,572,385 impressions; 284,388 video views, 12,972 swipe ups and 31,279 clicks.