Results / MPT – 2019 SOR Grant – Opioids
Fighting Opioid Addiction: Purplegator’s Over-Delivering Campaign for MPT

The Challenge
Maryland Public Television was selected to manage the 2019 SOR Grant (State Opioid Response) awarded by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for the state of Maryland. The program’s focus was to help address opioid addiction and the overdose epidemic. MPT partnered with Purplegator to negotiate and place the digital media so this important campaign would get maximum exposure.
The Approach
Purplegator negotiated the media rates and placed banner ads to run on the mobile web and in mobile apps. The campaign had multiple programs including Anti Stigma, Talk to Your Doctor, The Dangers of Fentanyl, Call 211, and How to Administer Naloxone. Targeting included all residents of Maryland. Of special importance: visitors to the state were not targeted. Each mobile device was not to receive more than ten frequencies during the course of the campaign. There was a secondary goal of targeting specific problem areas of Baltimore City and Cumberland where the opioid epidemic was especially troublesome.
The Challenge
Maryland Public Television was selected to manage the 2019 SOR Grant (State Opioid Response) awarded by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for the state of Maryland. The program’s focus was to help address opioid addiction and the overdose epidemic. MPT partnered with Purplegator to negotiate and place the digital media so this important campaign would get maximum exposure.
The Approach
Purplegator negotiated the media rates and placed banner ads to run on the mobile web and in mobile apps. The campaign had multiple programs including Anti Stigma, Talk to Your Doctor, The Dangers of Fentanyl, Call 211, and How to Administer Naloxone. Targeting included all residents of Maryland. Of special importance: visitors to the state were not targeted. Each mobile device was not to receive more than ten frequencies during the course of the campaign. There was a secondary goal of targeting specific problem areas of Baltimore City and Cumberland where the opioid epidemic was especially troublesome.

The Outcome
Purplegator over-delivered. Maryland was promised 8.5 million gross impressions and Purplegator delivered 12.1 million! We could have simply stopped when we met our impressions goal, but we knew how important this campaign was. Doing the right thing won out over corporate profits.
That’s always our goal: under-promise and over-deliver!