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Now is the Time to Reach Busy Parents & Campers on their Mobile Devices

Summer Camps have a tight window of opportunity in which to attract, engage and acquire their primary audience – busy parents. At the same time, many camps also need to be marketing to the campers themselves with a very different message and focus. With so many marketing and media options available, be sure that the focus is on the right message to the right person on the right devices for maximum impact resulting in full camp sessions.
Generational Marketing goes Mobile
Traditional advertising in newspapers, postcards and even television commercials may not be the best way to reach your intended audiences. Today’s teens are mobile natives and will turn to mobile, their device of choice, when doing research on what camps catch their interest. This group often prefers images and videos rather than articles. They would respond well to short clips showing the grounds, the staff, and highlights of some great activities. Culture is very important, so be sure to showcase the unique culture and atmosphere that you offer. Their parents (and their grandparents) are mobile savvy as well. A recent Pew Research study shows that 89% of people ages 30-49 have a smartphone. 85% of adults get their news on a mobile device. Highly targeted advertising on their mobile device via social media and search will reach them while they are in the stands at a sporting event, at lunch with a friend, or waiting in line as they use their phones.

Social Media Tells the Story – Best Time to Reach the Audience
Teenagers spend nearly 9 hours a day on
social media. According to Pew Research 2017 data, nearly all adults use social media platforms. 88% of adults between the ages of 18-29 use Facebook and 59% use Instagram. 79% of 30-49 year olds use Facebook. Social Media is the place they turn to be informed, entertained and educated. A well -developed Facebook page and Instagram with robust images and great video allow you to tell the story of your camp, your staff andyour activities. The challenge is this: How do you get people- the right people – to actually see your posts?
How Do You Get Your Message in Front of Your Audience?
Facebook’s algorithm typically shows your posts organically to between 0.5 % and 1.5% of the peoplewho like your page and also may choose the best time to reach them automatically. If your page has 7,000 likes, that means between 35 and 105 people will see your posts. What about the other 6,900 people who have liked your page and want to know more? Boosted Posts are an option if you’re looking to increase likes, comments and shares. Display Advertising is best if you want to reach a highly targeted audience with a specific call to action – Call Now, RSVP to an Open House, Sign up now, etc. Detailed targeting allows you to reach key demographics by age, income level, zip code, online behaviors, etc, meaning no wasted ad spend. It allows you to reach your most ideal audience on the device they have within two feet of them for 22 out of 24 hours in the day.

To learn more about social mobile advertising for your summer camp, please contact us via your method of choice: email us, or call us at 610-688-6000