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Blogging in 2024: SEO Experts’ Tips | Delante

Blogging in 2024: SEO Experts’ Tips | Delante


Delante published an article on Blogging in 2024: 25 Tips from SEO Experts that SEO expert, Bob Bentz has been featured in:

“Effective SEO for blogging starts with keyword research. The great thing about a blog is that you are able to target a seldom searched for long tail keyword that you may not be able to rank for with your overall website. For a long tail keyword, there is going to be less competition and, in fact, you may be one of only a few articles on the entire web that addresses the topic. Try to use an exact match keyword phrase in the title of the article. While many blogs do a good job of using proper title tags and meta tags, many neglect optimizing images properly. Don’t forget to use your alt tags on our images!“-Bob Bentz, President of Purplegator.

In this article, Bob noted everything about blogging that our team here at Purplegator finds resourceful.

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